Thursday, September 9, 2010

Cash gift requests: Right or rude?

So ABC News reported on a bride who is requesting cash donations in lieu of gifts to help cover the cost of her wedding. One of my favorite sisters-in-etiquette bloggers, Khris Cochran of DIYBride, equates the request to an admission fee and calls it in poor taste. Etiquette expert Anna Post tends to agree.

My kids have been invited to birthday parties with similar requests. The invitation suggests a dollar or two instead of gifts so that the birthday child might purchase a certain item/experience they really want.

It's easy. But is it right? What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I think it's bad taste! If they want to give money, they will. For me, I look for awesome gifts on a sale. Then I give them out as they come. For weddings, I prefer to give the awesome gift and have them think I spent a lot... but if I gave the equivalent cash I would look like a cheapskate. :)
